I found this great theme (Ryu) on wordpress.com, when I tried to register my new blog. After I can register my new blog I go to wordpress theme directory to find suitable theme for my new blog, I found Ryu on recent theme. The theme looks so neat, with simple but big layout, big typography make me confidence to read the posts.
I installed that theme to my new blog but looks empty, yes because I didn’t post anything huh? :D. Suddenly I remember that I have tumblr blog but I never posted again about one year ago. The tumblr used custom domain setting pointed to rizqi.nizamilputra.com. I wanna make that url to be my new blog, so I’ve to delete my custom domain setting and then I can write my post on it.
Deleting custom domain setting on tumblr spent about 24 hours to make it live. So I’ve to wait until the next day to write my post huh? :|. Oh anyway I need Ryu theme on my new blog, when I search on wordpress theme directory to download it, I can’t found it. It’s temporary available just for blog on wordpress.com not for self-hosted blog :(. My friend told me that I can find all themes on wordpress.com here https://wpcom-themes.svn.automattic.com/. And finally I can install Ryu on my new blog :).
Takashi Irie said that “Ryu will be available for self-hosted users soon”
@nizamilputra Yes, it will soon be available for self-hosted users soon. I'll keep you updated on http://t.co/smjdpWwFAZ
— Takashi Irie (@TakashiIrie) April 26, 2013
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