Author: admin
Background-blend-mode ruin firefox
just because a browser has a features, doesn’t mean you should use it! –
Trello is acquired by Atlassian for $425M
Big news on new year! Trello is acquired by Atlassian for $425M! They have same blue color, so it’s not hard for Michael Pryor to give Trello to Atlassian, just like he didn’t do anything. 😀 :kidding Congratulation to both of you!
Meering Design Story
I just created Meering – an HTML/CSS company profile template which contains 4 pages; homepage, studio/about page, works/portfolios page, and work/portfolio detail page. And I’ll tell you the story behind the design.
The Software Revolution
If we can synthesize new diseases, maybe we can synthesize vaccines.
Better Done than Perfect
Lieur was founded in 2014. Almost 2 years it didn’t has a website. I mean a real website that lead someone who doesn’t know about us to someone who know what Lieur is. At least they know that Lieur is design studio, what we’ve done, and how to contact us. We’re too busy to reach…
Increase Your Site’s Performance with Hardware-Accelerated CSS
Ever wondered how some CSS animations run so smoothly in the browser? Check out this link
Backdrop-filter, the New Way to Create Blur Background
The backdrop-filter property provides for effects like blurring or color shifting the area behind an element, which can then be seen through that element by adjusting the element’s transparency/opacity. – Have you seen Lovebird‘s top navigation? You will see blur effect to the area behind it. It’s cool right? The blur effect is introduced by iOS 7…
If you are a great designer, then just be a great designer. That’s never enough. – Jeffrey Zeldman (Link) Anyway, Jeffrey will hire a people who write a blog. So keep writing! 🙂